Phytoplankton biodiversity is a key indicator of marine ecosystems health. Due to climate change derived impacts, phytoplankton communities worldwide are being affected by changes in the water temperatures and the access to nutrients and light. Current methods to quantitatively classify phytoplankton samples require taxonomy experts to manually count and classify the individual cells they see under the microscope.
To understand how climate change is impacting phytoplankton biodiversity we need to develop novel high-throughput imaging techniques to analyze faster changes in biodiversity. With an AMNIS Imaging Flow Cytometer we can quickly produce millions of multi-channel images of phytoplankton lab cultures and field samples of phytoplankton. Using an AI-based approach we are developing an image-based selection tool to rapidly and accurately classify the phytoplankton community.
This pipeline will be applicable to phytoplankton populations from diverse source waters and could offer a high-throughput taxonomy approach to traditional light microscopy.