
Automatic detection of coastline change and causal linkage with natural and human drivers

Decorative image, HI AutoCoast

Half of Europe’s coastal wetlands is expected to disappear as a result of sea level rise by 2100, and public expenditure dedicated to coastline protection against the risk of erosion and flooding averaged €5.4 billion per year between 1990 and 2020. A profound understanding of the coastline change requires an understanding of the controlling factors for formation of the various coastal types (sandy beach, cliff, marshland) and their interaction with engineering structures.

From coastal management and spatial planning perspectives, there is an urgent need to understand coastline evolution at timescales from events (e.g. storms) to multidecades,and spatial scales from 0.1 to 100 km. AutoCoast aims to provide advanced and reliable remote sensing-based AI tools to quantify coastline change rate at high-resolution and unravel the linkage between coastline change rate and natural and anthropogenic drivers at regional to global scale.

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