Our Portfolio

Helmholtz Imaging empowers and supports scientists in all aspects of imaging, on different occasions, at any point in their career and at all levels.

To gain an overview of the broad spectrum of novel imaging modalities and make it easy to find the experts you are looking for we created the community network Helmholtz Imaging CONNECT. You can get in touch with us via our Support Hub – the gateway for all imaging-related requests be it support for data handling, consultation regarding software or methods, or research issues. For more in-depth collaborations, apply for Helmholtz Imaging Collaborations to work together with us on mid-term projects striving to find solutions to challenging research questions. You will benefit from our broad knowledge on the rich pool of methods that enable state-of-the-art solutions tailored to your problems. Financial funding can be requested through our annual Helmholtz Imaging Project calls for interdisciplinary collaborative research projects.

The entire output will again be made available to the community. Resources such as software and data sets are available as easy-to-use open-source Helmholtz Imaging Solutions, gained expertise and research results will be shared in seminars, schools and workshops and the early engagement of external partners will benefit society.

Support Hub

The Support Hub is your gateway to the world of Helmholtz Imaging! Simply send an e-mail to support@helmholtz-imaging.de and we will help you out. Any request is welcome, whether it is a question about administrative or imaging-related matters, consulting requests, project support, Helmholtz Imaging Collaborations or access to our portfolio.


Helmholtz Imaging Solutions provide software driven strategies for solving common problems across imaging domains and tools. In reality, being aware of a software solution for a scientific problem is often followed by a time-consuming process of figuring out how to install the specific tool and how to precisely use it to reproduce a published result. We provide a framework to unify and simplify this process. Additionally, we curate a catalog of Helmholtz Imaging Solutions developed within our community.


Helmholtz Imaging provides consultation regarding existing software or methods, and make these resources available as easy-to-use Helmholtz Imaging Solutions to standardize and simplify the process of finding the right software to your research questions. We also develop, provide and maintain our own open source software solutions, which address the most challenging research questions in imaging science. Contact us if you need support using one of our software solutions!


Helmholtz Imaging CONNECT is the heart of the Helmholtz Imaging Network. Get to know the imaging experts from the Helmholtz Association, explore the amazing portfolio of cutting-edge instruments from satellites to synchrotrons, dive into the exciting world of imaging applications. Helmholtz Imaging CONNECT facilitates finding partners and collaborators for innovative projects, with just the right complementary expertise necessary to conduct research for grand challenges.

We want you! If you are affiliated to one of the Helmholtz Centers, we invite you to add your profile, your modalities and your applications to the website. Be Helmholtz Imaging!


Struggling with an imaging-related project? Apply for a Helmholtz Imaging Collaboration and tap into the expertise of Helmholtz Imaging! Collaborations enable you to team up with one of our units for an elongated period of time (up to 6 months or even longer) to work on a project together. Whether you require support in (AI-based) image analysis, image reconstruction, annotation, data management, software solutions, addressing inverse problems, developing novel imaging modalities, 3D visualization and more – we are your partner.

Our Research

The Helmholtz Association’s research fields tackle the major challenges and pressing issues facing society and develop sustainable solutions for tomorrow and beyond. As an enabler, Helmholtz Imaging will foster the interdisciplinary development and use of imaging methods and modalities.

Helmholtz Imaging covers the entire spectrum from data acquisition, data preparation, data management to data analysis. Each part of this imaging process is associated with specific scientific challenges and research software tools. Expertise on all these issues is available in the Helmholtz community. Helmholtz Imaging aims to leverage this treasure of knowledge while simultaneously enriching it with new research results.

Helmholtz Imaging has three research units that specialize in different areas along the imaging pipeline: model-based inverse design, integrative imaging data science and image analysis & benchmarking. They are united by cutting-edge research and comprehensive imaging expertise, which provide an excellent starting point for research collaborations and state-of-the-art imaging solutions. This portfolio is completed by the Helmholtz Imaging projects, which are granted to interdisciplinary research teams that explore innovative topics at the interface of imaging and information & data sciences.

Helmholtz Imaging’s research is based on a cross-community and cross-research-field approach that provides a unique opportunity to combine the skills and strengths of individual researchers and centers for the benefit of the entire Association.