Published on 23.07.2024

Helmholtz Enterprise Call for Proposals: Support for founders at the Helmholtz Centers

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Image: Sigmund on Unsplash

Helmholtz is calling once more for project proposals for Helmholtz Enterprise to get funding for field studies and / or the establishment of start-ups. The deadline for applications is September 27, 2024.

Helmholtz Enterprise consists of two independent modules. Applications for each module are independent of each other.

  • The Field Study Fellowship finances a budget for personnel and material costs for the Helmholtz Centers or their institutes in order to identify customer needs through interviews and market research.
  • The Spin-off Program finances the establishment of start-up teams working at the Center and the implementation of start-up projects.

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Helmholtz Enterprise wants to strengthen the transfer culture and promote entrepreneurship among employees of the Helmholtz Association.