Active Learning-enabled Generation of (Patho-)Physiological Lung Architectures for Pulmonary Medicine (ALEGRA)

Active Learning-enabled Generation of (Patho-)Physiological Lung Architectures for Pulmonary Medicine (ALEGRA)

ALEGRA aims to discover new insights into the morphology, physiology, and functionality of mammalian lungs. Therefore, quantitative parameters will be extracted from light sheet fluorescence microscopy images featuring comprehensive annotations of unprecedented detail for structures of interest such as hollow airways, blood vessels, as well as alveoli. These annotations are made possible by a novel active learning approach for semantic segmentation, nnActive, which will be developed as part of this project.


Other Collaborations


Detecting Type-2 Diabetes in histopathological images for a better understanding of biological processes behind the disease

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Connecting membrane pores and production parameters via machine learning (COMPUTING)

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Predicting Perovskite Thin-Film Photovoltaic Performance from Photoluminescence Videos

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